Thursday 17 November 2011

Wingnuts Hate it When you Point out They're Wingnuts

Let's say you asked your average Wingnut "Do you like guns?" it's safe to say they'd react in a positive way, it's even safer to say that they jump and up and down like Yosemite Sam screaming "Do I?!!? Woot! Woot!" then they'll go on to calmly holler "I even have guns that are made to shoot smaller guns that shoot still smaller guns and those shoot bullets that expand three times the size of a football field when they hit vital organs!"

They like their guns is what I'm saying, so if you had to talk to wingnuts (shudder) working in gun stuff would be a good way to get their weasel on a freeway like attention.

That's what Sarah Qneen of the Wingnuts did with some bit of advertising, she put some cross-hair things on a map in some election and that Democrat lady got headshot by the headcase so some were saying "Hey the crazy guy got the idea to shoot the lady from Palin!".

Okay, fine whatever, it's not like Palin called crazy man and told him to do it and it's not like crazy people shoot people when they haven't seen cross-hairs on maps.

Cause and effect just aren't hooking up very well here, heck I'm not sure they've even swapped phone numbers.

That's what sane, smart people could say but wingnuts ain' that kind of folk, when they disagree they have to be completely retarded about it:

First and foremost, Sarah Palin did not use a “gun sight.”  That is a documented lie.  Sarah Palin used a surveyor’s symbol:
Because Surveyor's are all about TAKING A STAND! I'm sure when they were laying this out Sarah personally called up the graphic designer and said "Surveyor's made this nation great! I want to work them into as much of our campaign material as possible, after all who does not respect that noble all-American profession? I remeber as a child playing 'Engineer and Surveyor' wistfully dreaming of the day I too could don the safety vest of road planning and border establishing."

Nah, she didn't say that, she used to hoot "LOCK AND LOAD! RELOAD DON'T RETREAT!" and other gunny words so Wingnuts would look up like dogs noticing a hot air balloon and howl  in unison.

This Wingnut however yammers on and on about how DEMOCRAPS BLARGH1 THEY GUN LOVERS! THEY SHOOT! THEEEEYYYYYY or something and then:
Nobody is more responsible than our journalists for creating the hell that America has become. 
Ha! Ha! Yes! America is a hell because reporters think that the gun lady whom gun lovers vote for used gun imagery to get gun lovers to vote for her! THAT'S IN-CHICKEN-FUCKING-INSANE!

Wingnuts when reality doesn't fit they let out the seams.

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