Wednesday 16 November 2011

Jesus was a Wingnut!

No, not really, cuz Jesus is just a made up thing but wingnuts, ooh they not only think he's real but that HE'S JUST LIKE THEM!!! Mental Case in point:
Want a quick test to see if someone knows the Bible? Ask them if Jesus would be out protesting at Occupy Wall Street (#OWS) today. The contention from some religious authorities and media outlets is that Jesus would be right there among the unwashed masses clamoring for free college tuition and a unicorn in every backyard.

That is simply not true.
He gibbers on about how Jesus hated governments and like making money so he wouldn't protest it or something, I don't know, it just goes on and on and until finally he hits Peak Wingnut:
No as such, but Christians used it as a model for representative democracy.
Yeah, the Roman Christian Empire and all the Kings that infested Europe for some 1,800 years were really big on the whole Democracy thing! Why the Bible talks endlessly about one man one vote and how slavery must end!

No, no it doesn't but in WingnutWorld facts are optional!

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