Thursday 24 November 2011

In Russia the Wingnuts

are just as stupid:
Braving freezing cold temperatures and ice-covered sidewalks, tens of thousands of Russians stood in line Wednesday to see and kiss a newly arrived relic of the Virgin Mary in Russia’s largest Orthodox cathedral.
So what makes them wingnuts? Thinking that their god knocked up a mortal chick just so that it could be nailed to some wood? No, that's just regular theist retardation, this is what makes 'em wingnuts:
Kissing the relic, which is encased in an ornamental box, is believed to help barren women conceive and heal other ailments.
See wingnuts and reality, the two shall never meet.

Thursday 17 November 2011

Wingnuts Hate it When you Point out They're Wingnuts

Let's say you asked your average Wingnut "Do you like guns?" it's safe to say they'd react in a positive way, it's even safer to say that they jump and up and down like Yosemite Sam screaming "Do I?!!? Woot! Woot!" then they'll go on to calmly holler "I even have guns that are made to shoot smaller guns that shoot still smaller guns and those shoot bullets that expand three times the size of a football field when they hit vital organs!"

They like their guns is what I'm saying, so if you had to talk to wingnuts (shudder) working in gun stuff would be a good way to get their weasel on a freeway like attention.

That's what Sarah Qneen of the Wingnuts did with some bit of advertising, she put some cross-hair things on a map in some election and that Democrat lady got headshot by the headcase so some were saying "Hey the crazy guy got the idea to shoot the lady from Palin!".

Okay, fine whatever, it's not like Palin called crazy man and told him to do it and it's not like crazy people shoot people when they haven't seen cross-hairs on maps.

Cause and effect just aren't hooking up very well here, heck I'm not sure they've even swapped phone numbers.

That's what sane, smart people could say but wingnuts ain' that kind of folk, when they disagree they have to be completely retarded about it:

First and foremost, Sarah Palin did not use a “gun sight.”  That is a documented lie.  Sarah Palin used a surveyor’s symbol:
Because Surveyor's are all about TAKING A STAND! I'm sure when they were laying this out Sarah personally called up the graphic designer and said "Surveyor's made this nation great! I want to work them into as much of our campaign material as possible, after all who does not respect that noble all-American profession? I remeber as a child playing 'Engineer and Surveyor' wistfully dreaming of the day I too could don the safety vest of road planning and border establishing."

Nah, she didn't say that, she used to hoot "LOCK AND LOAD! RELOAD DON'T RETREAT!" and other gunny words so Wingnuts would look up like dogs noticing a hot air balloon and howl  in unison.

This Wingnut however yammers on and on about how DEMOCRAPS BLARGH1 THEY GUN LOVERS! THEY SHOOT! THEEEEYYYYYY or something and then:
Nobody is more responsible than our journalists for creating the hell that America has become. 
Ha! Ha! Yes! America is a hell because reporters think that the gun lady whom gun lovers vote for used gun imagery to get gun lovers to vote for her! THAT'S IN-CHICKEN-FUCKING-INSANE!

Wingnuts when reality doesn't fit they let out the seams.

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Jesus was a Wingnut!

No, not really, cuz Jesus is just a made up thing but wingnuts, ooh they not only think he's real but that HE'S JUST LIKE THEM!!! Mental Case in point:
Want a quick test to see if someone knows the Bible? Ask them if Jesus would be out protesting at Occupy Wall Street (#OWS) today. The contention from some religious authorities and media outlets is that Jesus would be right there among the unwashed masses clamoring for free college tuition and a unicorn in every backyard.

That is simply not true.
He gibbers on about how Jesus hated governments and like making money so he wouldn't protest it or something, I don't know, it just goes on and on and until finally he hits Peak Wingnut:
No as such, but Christians used it as a model for representative democracy.
Yeah, the Roman Christian Empire and all the Kings that infested Europe for some 1,800 years were really big on the whole Democracy thing! Why the Bible talks endlessly about one man one vote and how slavery must end!

No, no it doesn't but in WingnutWorld facts are optional!

Tuesday 15 November 2011

We hate gays more than we love Jesus!

While there are many different sub-species of wingnut perhaps the stupidest has to be the theist strain. The delusion that there is a universe creating being who shares your political and culutral beliefs is of course pretty duh-duh-darrrr to begin with but when you mix in wingnuttia? Whoa, stand back, we're at R-Tard Level 4!

Case in point:

150 Presbyterian Ministers Threaten to Resign in Scotland Over Gay Ministers

Up to 150 conservative and evangelical ministers are reportedly threatening to resign in Scotland, where the Church of Scotland is about to become the first Presbyterian church in the world to allow the ordination of openly gay ministers.

This often confuses me, the Bible thump's attitude towards the gay, they don't like fags because their god clearly hates them. After all it does demand their death and if that's not an expression of pure hate I'm not sure what is. So instead of these Ministers demanding the death penalty for butt-sex they just want gays to be left out of all the reindeer games. It's like they're telling their god "Hey, we won't kill them but we'll just make them feel really bad, 'zat what Jesus would do?"

Compromise is just another word for lying, unless you demand gays be burnt at the stake I just can't take your beliefs seriously.

Okay, even if you did I still couldn't but at least I'd believe that you believe and that's why I think Fred Phelps and those like him are really the only true Christians.

Monday 14 November 2011

Wingnut knows how to use sneaky camera

Still doesn't know how to use brain, sadly. The Pimp O'Keefe (Described as a "national treasure" by the linked wingnut below) catches someone saying the like Obama (or something, I didn't watch it, I don't watch YouTube videos unless they are cats on Roombas) and they WORK IN THE NEWS MEDIA!!!! HOLY FUCKING PIG SUCKING SHIT!

Ha! Ha! Yes! Reporters can't have political opinions! And the New Jersey Star-Ledger?!?! Why that's know as the King Maker! Once you have them in your tank the next stop is the White House! What about the Chattanooga Pennysaver or the Juniper Dead Opossum?  Who knows how many Obama voters they have!!

Wingnuts never lose you see, they're always stabbed in the back, or they won but they're the only ones who notice (Iraq latest example) so naturally they need to feed their delusion and O'Keefe is da man!

SFWT - What does it mean?

It means Stupid Fucking Wingnuts Today and will be a daily log of the stupidest things said by the stupidest wingnuts.

What is a Wingnut? Anyone who puts their own twisted biases, retarded beliefs, unfulfilled angry wishes before reality. They can be found on all facets of the political 100-sided dice but to be fair they're most right-wing and Ayn Rand libertarian but always the most gaping of assholes.